Pineapple Tarts

Pineapple Tarts

This is a classic recipe that our family baked traditionally every lunar New Year. Pineapple tart            (黄梨塔) symbolises good luck & prosperity and is always baked and gifted to family and close friends during this special occasion.  Growing up in 

Milk Bread/Buns

Milk Bread/Buns

Our family started getting into baking bread during March 2020 COVID-19 lockdown. We have baked breads before but not as regularly as we do now. A really simple recipe that is highly adaptable, this milk bread dough is so versatile that you can produce sweet 

Vanilla Sugar Cookies

Vanilla Sugar Cookies

This is a highly adaptable recipe. It is great for decoration, you can use it when children come over for a playdate as an activity to do. The sky’s the limit for this recipe.   Recipe: (Makes about 30 cookies) 125g unsalted butter softened 160g 

Vanilla Cupcake with Rainbow Sprinkles

Vanilla Cupcake with Rainbow Sprinkles

This is a foolproof sweet recipe that can be used for all occasions. You can serve it up quickly for guests who decided to pop in for a visit, the school bake sale or for birthday parties. This will be a sure winner. This recipe